Matchmaking is the process of matching two people up for romantic purposes, and usually with the end goal of marriage. It’s one of the oldest professions, when tradition in many cultures dictated that marriages were arranged between families for mutual economic benefit. While matchmaking is less popular now in modern society, a lot of people still need assistance to find their future better half.
Now matchmaking is a booming business opportunity in today’s digital world. In fact, professional matchmakers these days can make up to six figures if they can prove they have a relationship recipe for success.
I’m quite satisfied with my career as a digital marketing professional and SEO consultant... but if I were to change my career right now to a matchmaker, here are the steps I’d take first to start a professional matchmaker company:
1. Market My Matchmaker Company
As a digital marketer by trade, obviously my first step to starting a professional matchmaker company would be market research, industry education, and marketing my service. After establishing that there was a need for a professional matchmaker in your local and digital marketplace, I’d learn more about the matchmaking industry. I’d look into getting a matchmaking certification, pick the brains of current matchmaking professionals, and then start the marketing process online and offline. This includes social media marketing, SEO, SEM, email marketing, content marketing, print marketing, and networking events.
2. Partner Up: The Positive Power Of Partnerships
As a matchmaking expert, I feel confident working with men and women of all ages and backgrounds. Usually that confidence is noticed by your prospects and clients, so they are fine with the fact that I am a man. But not everyone feels that way. Some people are just more comfortable working with a woman when discussing dating and relationships. For that reason, I would partner with a female matchmaker as well, at least in a limited capacity. If I bring in a qualified lead on my own and they would strongly prefer working with a woman, I would refer them to my female partner for an agreed upon flat fee. Or I would waive the fee if they would do the same for me and we could generate referrals for each other on a consistent basis.
3. Give Free Consultations
Not every professional offers free consultations, but if you can make the time then it is an invaluable opportunity to prove your value in the dating world. A lot of prospects that might be interested in your service will need to speak with you in person first, or at least do a phone call or video conference. Not only will it provide you with the opportunity to close more deals and get more referrals, but it will allow you to hone your sales pitch.
4. Have Clients Join Dating Websites
Having your clients join a dating website is a big step to helping them find their future better halves. Not only does it open up their potential dating pool, but it gives them some great preparation and practice before getting out on the dating scene. Joining a dating website helps them hone their sales pitch. It also helps them really think about what they are looking for and the values that they hold dear.
There are plenty of great free dating sites UK to join that provide the opportunity for finding a real relationship.
If you need a specific suggestion, the best dating website to try out first is WeLoveDates. I would also personally join We Love Dates as well for research purposes to get a better idea of how the site could become a valuable asset for customers.
5. Have Clients Attend Social Events
Dating websites are essential to facilitating relationship matches, but you still want your clients to attend some social events IRL. Real relationships don’t just happen behind keyboards, they happen face to face and require social skills. Not everyone has natural social skills, so it takes practice for many people.
Also make sure to dress the part for the event you are attending.
6. Ask For Client Testimonials & Referrals Often
Once you have at least a modest clientele, it’s crucial that you ask for testimonials and referrals. Requesting testimonials from satisfied customers can become a powerful marketing opportunity. You should post the testimonials on your website, social media, and other marketing materials to prove your value and success rate. Asking for referrals is just as important or even more important, especially if they've found a spouse or long-time boyfriend or girlfriend through your professional services.
Ask all of your clients that have had dating success, or even prospects that don’t sign with you, if they know of someone else that could benefit from your services. Chances are high that they know of someone that is looking for a relationship and having trouble. Everyone knows someone that could use a matchmaker, and those referrals could become big paydays.
7. The Power Of Proof: Market Your Own Match
One of the best ways to ensure your matchmaking business is a success is to market your own match. And by that I mean your girlfriend, boyfriend, fiance, husband, or wife and your strong relationship. You can’t be a great matchmaker with a sterling reputation if you can’t prove your own success with relationships. People don’t hire fat personal trainers and they don’t hire life coaches that live in trailer parks.
Become A Professional Matchmaking Mastermind
While I probably won't be changing my profession any time soon, it's clear that the matchmaking business is a lucrative option with a lot of growth opportunities. By following this simple business plan, you'll be able to be a matchmaking marketing mastermind and make major money.